Senin, 27 Januari 2014

[Q733.Ebook] Fee Download Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

Fee Download Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

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Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

Fee Download Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

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Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter

"Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope" recreates the look and feel of a microscope in an intuitive, browser based interface. Histology is one of the core courses in the curriculum for medicine and allied health professions. It requires both an understanding of the cellular structure of organs and tissues and the ability to recognize tissues at the microscopic level. Traditionally, students have used microscopes to study specimens on glass slides. While extensive practice with the microscope is not essential in the modern health care setting, histology remains an image intensive discipline. To understand the organization and function of tissues requires that students be able to interpret microscopic images. By presenting nested images at increasing magnification, "Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope" provides a sense of scale and proportion that cannot be achieved in a standard histology text or atlas. Moreover, the text descriptions and labelled images offer flexibility (students can study at any computer) and opportunities for small group learning (several students can examine the images together), yet provide guidance for independent study.

  • Sales Rank: #1886343 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 2
  • Dimensions: 5.00" h x 5.70" w x .25" l, .20 pounds
  • Binding: CD-ROM

"The organization and high quality of images make this package an excellent resource for undergraduate students learning tissue structure." --—M. A. Palladino, Choice

About the Author
RUTH I. WOOD Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California - JOEL E. SCHECHTER Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Essential for an instructor
By amateur historian
This pair of CD-ROMs is a bit pricey for a student, who will probably have something similar included with his textbook. However, the optional labels would be very helpful for self-testing or group study. These CD-ROMs are worth every penny to an instructor because the images can be downloaded and used to make Power Points that one can customize for one's own course. Image quality is generally excellent. Most of the images can stand up to 4x magnification of parts of the image when one wants to discuss small details.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very insightful, clear images with labels that helped a lot.
By Sandra Ivelisse Merced
I was very pleased with the information made available through out most of the slides, however, in some slides there could have been more labeling and more information about the tissue specimen.
This is a very good interactive software for histology students.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Marvin

See all 4 customer reviews...

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter PDF
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Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter Doc
Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter iBooks
Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter rtf
Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter Mobipocket
Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter Kindle

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter PDF

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter PDF

Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter PDF
Histology: An Interactive Virtual Microscope, by Ruth I. Wood, Joel E. Schechter PDF

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